The Great Lunar Expediton project has been the hard work of the National Space Grant Consortia and a myriad of other individuals donating their time and effort for the sake of global collaboration and science.
COSGC is joined by Space Grant teams from across the country in the development of our mission.
GLEE is supported by a group of CU Boulder students from a variety of backgrounds. A love of space is the only pre-req!
The Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone (GLEE) is part of the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC) experience. Students enrolled at the University of Colorado Boulder are able to participate in cutting edge space projects right at the Headquarters of COSGC.
Current GLEE members at COSGC
Meet the group of students from the University of Colorado who are currently working toward the next era of space, science, and accessibility!
Project Manager
Vinny Vinovskis
Strategic CommunicationsSystems Engineer
Nick Muller
Aerospace EngineeringRicky Mannon
Electrical EngineeringBenjamin Hellem
Aerospace EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: It always shows Earth the same face!
Nic Burger
Masters in Mechanical EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: The moon is made of cheese.
Tanvir Abulkalam
Aerospace EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: It is our first step outside our home planet towards a grander expedition!
Mangala Sneha Srinivasan
Electrical EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: It reminds me of a story I enjoyed as a kid "Hare on the Moon"
Mihir Patil
Professional Masters in Embedded Systems EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: Its soooo poetic!
Moises Pina
Aerospace EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: How it has been a companion for the Earth, keeping the axis stable and enabling life.
Shuyu Song
Computer ScienceFavorite thing about the Moon: It protects Earth from asteroids and comets!
Daniel Orthel
MusicFavorite thing about the Moon: The south pole of the moon can reach down to -400 F
Ananya Shrestha
Aerospace EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: How the Moon's gravitational pull causes the tides in the ocean
Alex Fitzgerald
Aerospace EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: It's so photogenic!
Peter Braza
Electrical EngineeringFavorite thing about the Moon: It's fascinating we never can see the dark side
Shrinithi Venkatesan
MusicFavorite thing about the Moon: The south pole of the moon can reach down to -400 F
Derek Norman
Computer ScienceFavorite thing about the Moon: The moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the Sun